Trouble in South Pacific — Solomon Islands to sign military pact with China. Is WW3 now fast approaching from the Pacific as well?

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The Solomon Islands were a British colony until the mid-1970s, peopled by a kind of hopeless Pacific negroes (called Melanesians). Interestingly, their children’s woolly hair turns blondish in the blazing sun.
The Queen is still the head of state.
The US Marines and Army fought a huge and victorious battle in 1942 with the Japanese over Guadalcanal, a major island there.
Recently there were riots against the Chinese living there, who doubtless look down on these Melanesias, do not trust or hire them, and view them as inferior.
Poster in Pidgin English on how to use a toilet:
The White House’s top Asia official is preparing to travel to the Solomon Islands in a rare high-level visit that underscores alarm in Washington over the Pacific nation’s security pact with China. Kurt Campbell will fly to the Solomon Islands this month, according to four people familiar with the plan. He is expected to travel with Daniel Kritenbrink, the top state department Asia official. Their visit comes as the small Pacific nation emerges as a strategic battleground between the US and China. The US has been increasingly worried about the Solomon Islands since it switched diplomatic allegiance from Taipei to Beijing in 2019. Those concerns have intensified after the leak of a draft security pact that would give China a toehold in a part of the Pacific that is closer to Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii than to Beijing. The draft agreement — which has not yet been signed — paves the way for China to deploy troops and police on the islands. It also says Chinese security personnel would guard any Chinese navy vessels that dock in the Solomon Islands. “It’s a pretty broadly scoped agreement that seems to leave the door wide open for future deployment of People’s Republic of China security and military forces to the Solomon Islands,” said a senior state department official.
Shanghai skyline


John de Nugent


@theduran Another fine video… and I agree with the scare headline. We ARE heading toward WWIII. And the reason is the irrationality, treachery, megalomania and infuriating, hypocritical preachyness of the clique that runs the West. The world is beyond tired of this gang of globopirates.

Let me be blunt: the rage at the United Snakes will so intensify that the Russians and Chinese will launch their nukes in a fury just to get the US to shut its f—ing yap.
Biden, Blinken, Johnson, Macron — all I see is crooks, pedophiles, and unadulterated evil.


@theduran@JohndeNugent You’re right. These people have zero self awareness, zero capacity for self reflection and the slap across their hideously arrogant faces from their enemies will be the devastation and complete destruction of the countries that they have infested and contaminated. The innocent inhabitants of these countries will pay dearly. These psychopaths of course, don’t give a sht!


@theduran@LordCharfield I agree, but am not ready to let the “victim” peoples off the hook. Americans have nine hundred million guns. Fourteen million men, like myself, are veterans. They also know their country was founded on a violent and highly “illegal” revolution. Sedition? Yep? Treason? That too.
George Washington overthrew the legitimate government, Britain having founded all our thirteen colonies.
What exactly are Americans waiting for? World War FOUR?

An Australian commented:
During Cold War 1, I fully supported my government and the broader western governments because after visiting the Soviet Union I fully undestood the value of FREEDOM. I would have willing shouldered a rifle and marched off to war to protect that freedom. Cold War 2, and after being locked up in my house for months; watching an entire population driven into mass hysteria and coerced into getting unnecessary jabs for an illness with a greater than 99% recovery rate as military helicopters buzzed overhead and police cracked skulls and fired rubber bullets; and after watching reasonable voices with reasonable arguments censored and silenced, there is no way I would fight for this, or the bastards behind it. Screw ‘em. This isn’t freedom. And it isn’t democracy. It’s certainly not worth fighting for.
@theduran Sanctions probably won’t work on China any better than they are working on Russia China Percent GDP from exports 2020 18.5 percent <40% to the west even with absolute discipline in the west trade with the west represents only 7.5% of GDP (2021 GDP growth 8.1%) Compared to Russia Percent GDP from exports 2020 25.52 percent of which >50% is to the west (but as commodities can be redirected to growing markets)

John de Nugent


Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran , @atrue Very enlightening — thanks. Russia and China truly complement each other. I cannot imagine any reason for them to split apart.



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran Dear God. What a title 😐



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran Please do not add fuel to the fire with this title. Beware of self-fulfilling prophecies

John de Nugent


Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran , @vwww Why “self”-fulfilling? Are the two Alexes members of the Rothschild crime family? They are merely describing something called reality.



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran If the U.S. sanctions China, it won’t break the back of the U.S., it will smash every vertebra. It will never walk upright again.



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran, @beibdnn I am not for sanctions but the US can quickly adjust away frim China if needed. Some pain of ripping off the scab but not crushing by any sense.



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran disgusting title and analysis just hand life over to the elite and don’t resist whatsoever > intellectual dishonesty > predicting the future like a good little elitist fortune teller ?

John de Nugent


Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran , @carimachet wow. I did not get that at all from their report. And what are YOU doing about all this? What do you expect THEM to DO?



Apr 9th, 2022


@theduran Here I thought the west was preaching about every countries right to pick their alliances.


  1. If China invests its vast wealth in America, in effect it owns America Inc.
    Then China can cripple America financially. America had to beg the Japanese in the ’80s to buy US Government bonds to keep America from going bust.

    It’s now bank bank VS tank tank.

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