Why is the Coronavirus striking Iran and its huge trading and military partner China especially hard? and My theory on what is really going on — It’s not good

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A comrade sent this comment:

Here is a Jew Yorker article which says that Iran has become a global epicenter of the coronavirus, with a higher fatality rate than in China:


The key sentences in this story are from the second paragraph:

“Iran, a country of eighty-three million people, has now become one of the global epicenters of the coronavirus—with the highest mortality rate in the world. Based on official numbers, the mortality rate in Iran has fluctuated daily, between eight and eighteen per cent, compared to three per cent in China and less everywhere else. Iran is also unique, because a disproportionate number of confirmed cases are senior government officials.”


What a “cohencidence” that senior Iranian government officials have been disproportionately infected by the coronavirus, and that the virus is more lethal to Iranians. Since there is little human traffic between China and Iran, how did the virus get there so quickly, how did it infect senior Iranian officials more so than the general Iranian population, and why is it more lethal to Iranians?

Here is a Daily Stormer article which partly explains it:


My theory is that Israel developed the coronavirus to specifically target the genome of Iranians, but they realized that if it suddenly broke out in Iran but nowhere else, it would look too suspicious. So they released it in China first, since China has been the source of many other virus scares. Now that the (((media))) has established China as the source of the coronavirus in people’s minds, Israel has released it in Iran, their real target. This biological virus reminds me of the Stuxnet computer virus, which was designed by Israel to specifically target the Siemens centrifuges in Iran’s nuclear facilities, but also affected other countries as “collateral damage.” [end]

I replied:

That is an interesting theory.

I note also from the New Yorker article that the coronavirus first hit Qoms, Iran, the holiest city in that large country, and which has especially beautiful shrines which are sacred to the Shiite version of Islam.

The Stormer article has this interesting tidbit:

Certainly, if the coronavirus was part of Israel’s biological weapon stockpile, it would explain why they’d be able to develop a vaccine so quickly. That’s because they would already have at minimum, some type of working understanding of it, or maybe even a pre-existing working vaccine or cure.

So Israel, the Jewish State, with its marvelous and ever-so-brilliant jewish scientists, would save the world from megadeath via their vaccine. Then we goyim owe them everything for saving them.

Actually, Iran/Persia and China have had a friendly and close trading relationship for literally millennia, and they do so today: huge amounts of oil are traded for consumer goods.


Now, as for the DNA of Iranians, it is a mix of White Aryan and Semitic-Neanderthalic (especially after the catastrophic Muslim-Arab conquest). Specifically, that white element means the R1a haplogroup, meaning the Eastern Whites: Slavs, Balts, the true Iranians and the Aryans who conquered India and became the ruling Brahmin (priests) and Kshatriya (kings and soldiers) castes there.

If the virus killed semitic-neanderthals, it would kill Arabs — and sephardic Jews plus some Ashkenazim too.

If it is an anti-white virus, that too would kill the many Jews (and Israelis) who are very white-skinned Ashkenazim.

Right now, I favor the theory that the US Deep State released it in Wuhan to:

1) Cripple the Iranian and Chinese economies and military buildups; eventually say/imply/leak that China created it — that it escaped due to incompetence the Wuhan bioweapons lab, and blame all the ensuing economic disruptions and the many deaths worldwide on the regime in China;

2) Hype the Coronavirus scare to introduce a mandatory vaccine. Then use, as the satanic Bill Gates has openly urged, vaccines to insert a “Digital ID” biochip under everyone’s skin. During the economic collapse, introduce the cashless society and fully electronic, ONLY electronic money. “Paper money” the word will go out, “is not only dirty and old-fashioned, but could also contain Corona viruses!”

Then every government dissident and critic will have his account switched off. Suddenly, he has no means to buy food or pay his rent, heat, water, and electric, or purchase fuel for his car. Then, Soviet-style, he would be arrested for vagrancy and begging (called “parasitism”. Under Stalin, critics — or just anybody so as to trigger terror in the USSR — were stripped of their Soviet citizenship, so that meant they had no “right” to work and have an income, or live in a government-controlled apartment (which was all of them).

Assume now that the Jews fear that their insane, derivatives-bloated, debt-mad economy is about to implode and that THEY will get the rightful blame from the populists and antisemites, even the true leftists, of the world, why not collapse the economy NOW so you can blame it on China? Accuse your victim!

“The Jew cries out as he strikes you.”

So the Jew has his win-win situation:

With the world economy due to crash thanks to the Jews’ debts, shift the blame for world destitution to their enemy, China; cripple the powerful anti-Israel Iran; and get all white goyim biochipped, and maybe also LARGELY STERILIZED VIA A VACCINE.

Meanwhile, Joe Sixpack….


I know that this is already possible and is already being done — causing the infertility of US combat soldiers and marines (who are 80% white) via US military vaccines.




To me, this looks like End Game.

But not the way the Jews want. I also see Van Rensburg nearing at the same time.

So we have a choice now between:


  1. being biochipped, sterilized and made cashless, ending instantly all further possibility of resistance,
  2. being killed by nukes or nuclear winter in WWIII
  3. a new NS arising to destroy the human cancer tumors who are destroying the whole world




  1. Here is another cohencidental article which just appeared today on Yahoo, about the chemist (((Sidney Gottlieb))) and his role as the chief poisoner for the CIA:


    From the article:

    “So it was Gottlieb who concocted all the poisons that were intended to kill Fidel Castro. One that was supposed to make his beard fall out, and one that would make him seem disoriented in public, but also ones that were supposed to be fatal. It was Gottlieb who made the L-pills — I learned a whole new vocabulary while writing this book— that means lethal. Those other fatal pills, when you drop it into someone’s tea they die. Gottlieb made those, and they were delivered to Cuba for use in killing Castro. Gottlieb made a poison wet suit, which was tainted with a virus inside that would eat away Castro’s skin if he put it on. Gottlieb made a poison pen with a hypodermic needle that was superthin so that if it was stuck into Castro’s thigh from behind, he wouldn’t even feel it.”

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