Russia – the might of the last white power

May 10, 2016 John de Nugent 0   My view of Hitler’s Russia policy:      

71 years ago Hitler left us

April 30, 2016 John de Nugent 0

.   The Day That Europe Died April 30, 2016 Mike Walsh April 30, 1945 The final nail was driven home, Europe’s fate was […]

Half of whites descend from ancient warlord

April 28, 2016 John de Nugent 0

Bronze-Age swords found in Scotland ….Excellent keeping-it-real video from Kai Murros about white martial talent Whites have not always been liberal wusses! .   […]

The truth about the Gestapo

March 19, 2014 John de Nugent 1

Oh how horrible…. Hypcoirtie Eisnehower is “horrifed” that Germans spanked enemy prisoners who possessed dangerous military secrets. American good old boys merely kill, force men […]