ENGLISH Radio show on reincarnation — I go on “SaveWhitePeople.com”

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The show I did last night as a guest — on God, reincarnation, karma and why whites need a true racial religion that is right for them, with one delicate question also thrown at me — got great reviews.

On Facebook:

I really enjoyed u on the show. You are from the pattern of old but have the wisdom from the mistakes of the past. To make the better decisions of the future . Luv ya John my brother

34 minutes ago ·

John de Nugent Thanks, Joe, from my heart to yours. 🙂

A respected comrade wrote me:

Dear John,

I really think you “shined through” in that interview. You put out so much information, which many listeners may pick up for the first time. I will be working to create a Creativity version 2.0 and I think that spirituality has to be part of it. I want the new Creativity to talk about the soul, reincarnation, our duty, judgment and the Solutreans [JdN: who were our courageous forbears]. Ben Klassen [JdN: the founder of Creativity; see below!] didn’t know about the Solutreans, but we do.

All the Best,



It was conducted with two young college men who were inspired by the 1970s writings of the late Ben Klassen.

(The link above has 1) ME speaking on reincarnation, then segués into 2) the hosts’ previous interview with the distinguished Jared Taylor, a bonus, and then

3) an excellent show with John King (a former US Army officer who has also been very helpful to my own work) on the Festum Album celebration by the Ben Klassen-Creativity movement (see below), honoring white heritage. King also discussed the legal right that white people have to publicly celebrate it, especially if the blacks, Jews and everyone else can celebrate THEIR ancestors via Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.)

Ben Klassen was a courageous and persecuted WN leader (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Klassen) and German immigrant to the US from Russia (to which his ancestors had moved at the urging of a Russian tsar to help build up the country).

He survived the horrors of communism and the persecution of the German-Russians by the bolsheviks, came to Mexico, Canada and then America, and became, among other things, a successful businessman and the inventor of a very useful labor-saving device — which every restaurant or huge military chow hall uses constantly, and many private homes as well — the nifty electric can opener. 🙂

Later he became a successful author, leader and thinker for our race.

I wrote the lead host, Joseph Adams, after the show:

* * *

Dear comrade Adams,

Thanks for having me on your show, which I thought was informative, moved forward and covered all the points. I am eager to receive from you the link to that show so I can post it to my blog and static webpage of JdN radio shows as a host or guest. [https://johndenugent.com/radio]

I even enjoyed your AH question 😉 …. Had the Noble Wolf (“Adolf” — Adelwolf — in Old High German) been a perfect and fully enlightened man, he could, would and should have won the war. As it is, we came so close.

But now we have just one last chance, because our numbers are dwindling rapidly, and we cannot fight a revolution with just oldies. It may come down to a super-elite bearing all the burdens, ready to sacrifice their current lives to take down the enemy, compensating thus for the insufficient number of us who are not total cattle.

Best to you, brother Joseph!


* * *

He replied:

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Thanks for your time, John!

And I totally agree with your latter paragraph.

Any time you want to come on our show feel free to let me know, as we’re always looking for contributors. So far in the seven months we’ve been doing this show we’ve brought a lot of people from all different walks of pro-White life together and I think the people who listen to my show really need to be hit with your message of reincarnation and other concepts.

I will get you the link to the whole show and your interview in itself!

Joseph Adams

* * *

I replied:

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Hi again, Joe.

Yes, it is nice how you bring in good guests. Getting Jared Taylor as a guest was a feather in your cap, since he does not deign to go on just any old show.

I have known Jared for 23 years….a great asset to us with his Yale-Ivy league IQ, and persona and clear, reasonable message.

Taylor was physically seized, dragged and carried out of his own meeting once in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada by freedom-hating leftists. His distinguished looks, resumé and cogently expressed white views make him a real threat to the NWO.

I got the link of your website just now and the interview sounded good! I will do a blog today and I will highlight both our interview and your program in general.

I would conclude by saying that Ben Klassen was the first WN to openly state that whites need a RELIGION. He had a big impact on me back in the late 1970s. His White Man’s Bible, and Wilmot Robertson’s magisterial The Dispossessed Majority, Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion, and finally Oxford professor John Baker’s Race, were the required reading of thinking WNs when I formally joined the movement in 1978 (after spending a whole childhood with pro-white leanings). Every mass movement needs an inner elite that can really think things through on the physical, emotional and, yes also, the soul level, and see the cosmic struggle that is at work here…. between light and darkness, the flame and the mud, the highest forms of love and the lowest forms of hate.


===============please donate now

I am getting great reviews of the recent God videos….but they take a lot of time and money….

Part one — explaining the “coming attractions” in the God video


Part two — escaping a life of “quiet despair” for one of meaning


Part three intro and one out-of-sequence interview…




12/29 @ 12:00 : Bury Saint Edmunds, GB
12/29 @ 11:50 : Mountain View, California, US
12/29 @ 11:47 : Rostock, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
12/29 @ 11:43 : Elmwood Park, Illinois, US
12/29 @ 11:37 : Pyhtää, FI[NLAND]
12/29 @ 11:34 : La Habra, California, US
12/29 @ 11:29 : Oakmont, Pennsylvania, US
12/29 @ 11:21 : Santiago, CL
12/29 @ 11:19 : Lille, FR[ANCE]
12/29 @ 11:05 : Leakey, Texas, US
12/29 @ 12:16 : Sherwood Park, CA
12/29 @ 12:15 : Durban, ZA [SOUTH AFRICA]
12/29 @ 12:14 : Leksand, SE
12/29 @ 12:14 : Ziar Nad Hronom, SK [SLOVAKIA]
12/29 @ 12:06 : Phoenix, Arizona, US
12/29 @ 12:06 : Stafford Springs, Connecticut, US
12/29 @ 12:02 : Duck Lake, CA
12/29 @ 11:49 : London, GB
12/29 @ 11:47 : Newport, Rhode Island, US
Mansions of the super-rich. When President Teddy Roosevelt came here to dine, his fellow millionaires snubbed him at a party because his insistence on safe food, the right of steel mill workers or coal miners to organize, and laws protecting child laborers cut into their obscene profits. Teddy ended up standing alone at the party with his drink, though President of the United States.
Newport Bridge, reaching from the mainland out to the actual island in Narragansett Bay where the city of Newport is located, called “Rhode Island“…. (The real name of RI is “the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,” meaning that “Little Rhody,” only 35 miles wide, the smallest state, has the longest name. 😉
The German immigrant family of John and Augustus Roebling invented steel cable in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. It made all steel suspension bridges possible, first in Pittsburgh, then in Cincinnati and later the famous Brooklyn Bridge.
12/29 @ 11:47 : Chlef, DZ [ALGERIA]
12/29 @ 11:32 : United States, US
12/29 @ 11:20 : Duisburg, DE
12/29 @ 05:39 : Lucca, IT[ALY)
Tower in Lucca with f—in’ trees growing out of it. (“Hey, whadda you lookin’ at?” ;-))
12/29 @ 05:34 : Oakmont, Pennsylvania, US
12/29 @ 05:34 : Durant, Oklahoma, US
12/29 @ 05:31 : Darien, Connecticut, US
12/29 @ 05:30 : Denver, Colorado, US
12/29 @ 05:27 : Freiburg, DE
12/29 @ 05:27 : Cherepovets, RU[SSIA]
Russian folk dancing in this city on the mighty Volga River. After the USA, Russia has the second biggest white population on earth.
12/29 @ 05:27 : Mount Sterling, Kentucky, US
12/29 @ 05:25 : Vilnius, LT [LITHUANIA]
12/29 @ 05:23 : Grevinge, DK [DENMARK]
12/29 @ 05:23 : Vidor, Texas, US
12/29 @ 05:14 : Brooklyn, New York, US
12/29 @ 05:07 : United States, US
12/29 @ 06:05 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
12/29 @ 06:03 : Orlová, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]
12/29 @ 06:00 : Arnold, GB
12/29 @ 05:57 : Duffield, Virginia, US
12/29 @ 05:56 : Milan, IT
12/29 @ 05:52 : Monticello, Minnesota, US
12/29 @ 05:51 : Murrysville, Pennsylvania, US
12/29 @ 05:50 : London, GB [NEVER HEARD OF IT. ;-)]
12/29 @ 05:48 : Moers, DE
Der Stadtplatz
(Why IS it that the German language is like the German people, or the French tongue like the French people — oh-la-la! —
or Italian like the Italians, or Hebrew like the Jews? 😉 )
Hebrew sounds like demons talking….


=================how to donate

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably. WHAT I ALSO NEED NOW ARE BIG CONTRIBUTIONS!

I am now facing an IMMEDIATE telephone cutoff, no ability to pay the next rent, the cutoff of my car insurance, and the end of my video editing.

The Zaks and Henriks and Jasons tell me I need to do more lively videos — so here they are, with many hours of video editing work I have to pay for, and now will money come in? Please! Bitte schön! S’il vous plaît! Por favor!

A comrade wrote me after the recent videos:

If you had a TV show (historical, informative) I would watch it. Keep up the good work!!!!!

Comrade, that is exactly what I plan — JDN-TV online, every night!

John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

God, as a Marine I hate kissing your ass. I would really rather kick it! 😉

Please feed the Marine. 😉


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons. They also canceled the PP account of my longtime ex-girlfriend, and even the account of a Marine officer buddy of mine who merely had sent me 75 cents as a test money transfer!)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


Vive la France to a comrade in the land of my Norman ancestry:

..and viva Portugal! This was really touching….


and thanks to a Canadian from “the True North, proud and free”……

================comrade informs me

A comrade in the Pacific Northwest wrote me this (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-wn-biography-of-john-de-nugent-updated#comment-5554) on my biography webpage regarding the number of “views” (visits) to my old thread against psychopaths entitled “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” on Stormfront:

You actually had 290,000+ views of your thread — before it was removed.

My thread against psychopaths was frozen by Stormfront owner Don Black when it had 86,000 views in March 2009, just days after Homeland Security abducted my then assistant from Finland, Henrik Holappa (https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa).

The last words from me on my own thread after I was banned, but posted by another comrade… You can see from the upper bar that the thread had over 177 pages….

By April of 2011, though I was banned from my own thread, and Don Black called me “delusional” (a mentally ill person who is out of touch with reality and sees imaginary objects) …..

…..mentally ill, like this other guy ;-)…..

……and no new posts to my thread on Stormfront had been allowed for over two years, views of my anti-psychopath thread had soared from 86,000 up to 264,000….and now stand frozen at 290,000, for Black has barred the public from all further access to the thread. 😉

290… a number too close to 300…… 😉


  1. Nice interview. You have a voice that was made for radio.

    I was wondering if you could point me towards a picture you posted several months ago from a newspaper that pictured you many years ago in an American-style National Socialist outfit (with the police helmet) and I think you were also holding a sign that said something like “No faggots” all for a march. I wish I had bookmarked that article. Could you please point me to that picture, or even better give some background to that interesting part of your past?

    Thanks and keep up the great work, John!


    • Thank you, comrade.

      Here is the photo in question:

      The trimming of the bottom of that photo leaves a misleading impression, perhaps on purpose. It did not say “Get the faggots” — but instead “Get the faggots out!” (out of Georgetown University, my alma mater)

      Even that was a brutal thing to say, but as I understand things now, I have learned the following.

      1) some famous authors in our Cause, known to me personally, are discreet homosexuals and very nice and courageous people

      2) our environment is full of dangerous chemicals and hormones that are screwing people up and giving them homosexual tendencies, autism, ADD and other mental challenges

      3) no one would ever, EVER “choose” to be “gay”…. I could never “choose” to be attracted to men, and most women could never “choose” to be attracted to women.

      4) Reincarnation reveals that we all, in the process of learning, have been in both genders. Some effeminate homosexual men were simply women for their last five lives, and it is hard to transition.

      5) I would prefer that a hormone therapy be developed so homosexuals can have normal sexuality.

      6) I do not hate any homosexuals as long as they do not preach it is normal, flaunt it and promote it. “Don’t ask and don’t tell” was a good policy.

      7) Our race needs more manly men and feminine women. We need more two-fisted fighters and children-cherishing mothers, not gender confusion.

      Today my sign would read: “Get the faggots HELP.” 😉

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